Gambling Among High School Students

Gambling Among High School Students
  1. Gambling Among High School Students List
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  1. Comparison of Gambling by Minnesota Public School Students in 1992, 1995, and 1998”) compared gambling frequency and gambling problems among 9th and 12th grade students in Minnesota public schools across several years. This study showed the following findings at both the trend level (across the survey years) and the developmental.
  2. The incidence of pathological gambling was high among males, Hispanics, Asians, and Italian-Americans (compared with among other whites), students with non-traffic arrests, those with parents who have gambling problems, and those who abuse alcohol and other drugs.
Gambling Among High School Students

Gambling Among High School Students List

Substance Use and Gambling Among High-School Students Jeremie Richard Exploring the relationship between substance use, mental health symptoms and problematic gambling among high-school students.

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